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5 recommended Lombok specialities to pamper your tongue

5 recommended Lombok specialities to pamper your tongue

The allure of Lombok tourism must be recognizable to you. Many people compare Bali and Lombok as having equally stunning beaches. If you don't sample the scrumptious and fresh cuisine of Lombok, your holiday won't feel complete. Not only are Lombok's natural beauties stunning, but its traditional cuisine is also a draw, particularly for foodies.

Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), is particularly well-liked among tourists due to its unusual beach vacations and captivating underwater beauty. Aside from the view and the surrounding natural beauty, one aspect of Lombok should not be overlooked is the variety of traditional culinary treats. The use of spices and the food's astringent flavor are two factors that give Lombok cuisine something in common with Balinese cooking.

1. Plecing Kangkung
The East Lombok delicacy plecing kangkung shouldn't be missed. If you don't try plecing kangkung on your trip to Lombok, it won't be complete. A teaspoon of a unique chili sauce is added to the cold, boiling water spinach dish known as plecing kangkung. Additionally, plecing kangkung frequently comes with additional veggies including beans, bean sprouts, and grated coconut.

2. Ayam Taliwang
The most well-known Lombok culinary tour that you can locate anywhere is Taliwang Chicken (Ayam Taliwang. Visitors visiting Lombok seek out the Taliwang Grilled Chicken because of the dish's delicate spice blend. The Taliwang Grilled Chicken recipe is quite simple: marinade the chicken in salt and orange juice before grilling it until it's halfway done. Then, after stirring the Taliwang seasoning until aromatic and adding the chicken once more, broil the chicken once more with the seasonings until done.

This menu is available at several well-known booths, including Pak Udin's Special Taliwang Chicken and Taliwang Irama Lombok Chicken. Depending on the size and amount of the chicken, Taliwang Chicken typically costs between Rp. 25,000 until Rp. 60,000.

3. Sate Pusut
In Lombok, pusut satay is renowned, as opposed to Bali's sate lilit, which is famed there. At first appearance, there isn't much of a shape difference between pusut satay and Lilit satay. The spices are used to determine which is satay lilit and which is satay pusut. The pusut satay substitutes peanut butter for the coconut milk found in traditional Balinese satay wraps. A classic Lombok dish called sate pusut is made from beef or sea fish. Mackerel fish is more commonly consumed in Lombok.

Depending on the type of meat used, many pusut satay preparation techniques exist. If you're using beef, slice the meat thinly and marinate it in the seasonings. If utilizing fish, the fish meat must first be mashed until it has a mushy texture.

4. Sate Rembiga
Sate Rembiga from Mataram City is one of the many delectable satay dishes that Lombok is renowned for. Due to the hot spices and ingredients used, this satay cooked from beef meat has a unique flavor. The beef must first be chopped and rendered soft before being wrapped with papaya leaves. Following that, prepare ground spices including onions, chilies, shrimp paste, coriander, tamarind, soy sauce, and brown sugar. Cook the satay on the grill after marinating the meat with the seasonings. Around Lombok tourist destinations, this western meal is frequently encountered.

5.  Bebalung
One of the top dishes for visitors, especially rib soup fans, is this traditional Lombok dish prepared with bebalung ribs. As the name implies, the primary component in this Bebalung's meal is ribs or tailbones from cows, buffaloes, and horses. At first glance, it appears to be typical rib soup, but the chopped yeast gives this Bebalung a distinctive flavor. The ingredients that give the chopped yeast seasoning its exquisite flavor are onions, ginger, shrimp paste, red chile, galangal, turmeric, and tamarind.

Post by on 2022-10-22 12:38:52